Schedule 2006

Fall 2006 Class Schedule

Course Number Course Name Instructor Course Time
Computer Science
CS 6550 Design and Analysis Algorithms Randall MW 3:05-4:25
CS 8803 MCM Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods Vigoda TuTh 9:35-10:55
Industrial and Systems Engineering
ISyE 6661 Optimization I: Linear Programming Tovey TuTh 9:35-10:55
ISyE 6664 Stochastic Optimization Kleywegt TuTh 1:35-2:55
ISyE 6673 Financial Optimization Sokol TuTh 3:05-4:25
ISyE 6761 Stochastic Processes I (cross listed Math 6761) Ayhan MWF 10:05-10:55
ISyE 8803 Healthcare Logistics Griffin and Savelsbergh MW 3:05-4:25
ISyE 8813 Theory of Linear Equalities Cook TuTh 1:35-2:55
ISyE 8813 Designing Heuristics for Optimization Ergun MW 12:05-1:25
ISyE 8861 Topics in Stochastics Dai TuTh 3:05-4:25
ISyE 8871 Topics in Optimization Savelsbergh MW 1:35-2:55
ISyE 8872 Topics in Nonlinear Optimization Nemirovski TuTh 12:05-1:25
Math 6014 Graph Theory Thomas TuTh 3:05-4:25
Math 6121 Algebra I Etnyre TuTh 9:35-10:55
Math 6221 Classical Probability Koltchinskii TuTh 8:05-9:25
Math 6327 Real Analysis A Lubinsky TuTh 12:05-1:25
Math 6327 Real Analysis B Carlen MWF 12:05-12:55
Math 6421 Algebraic Geometry I Basu TuTh 12:05-1:25
Math 6761 Stochastic Processes I Ayhan MWF 10:05-10:55
Math 8803 BAK Algebraic Number Theory Baker MWF 10:05-10:55
Math 8823 TRO Dimension Theory for Partially Ordered Sets Trotter MWF 11:05-11:55